Trigger Job Stress Aging Effect

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Alvienova | Trigger Job Stress Aging Effect | Stress arising from work referred to contribute to the premature aging of the person. As new research revealed and reported by MSNBC.

Not only affects the person's age that has the effect of DNA damage, stress also lowers the immune system, cardiovascular system, and even cause cancer. Employment issues is becoming a common thing that causes stress.

The study, led by Kirsi Ahola of the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health is to measure the length of the DNA called telomeres, and how its size depends on the level of stress experienced. It found that people who work stress have shorter telomeres.

What is important because telomeres, located at the ends of chromosomes, has a role as a protective cap travel system that helps ensure that the genetic instructions carried by genes on chromosomes properly translated so that the cells get the right message.

While the telomeres become shorter with age, and also due to chemical oxidation. Often times, when the telomeres reach a critical size (very short), the cells in the brain becomes dead or the process is called apoptosis. This makes genetic mistakes and cause a 'senile'.

In a study published in the journalism lPLoS One, also saw the blood cells or leukocytes, a group of cells for the immune function of those who have the stress of the job with a no. The result, those who stress have lower than leukocytes that do not experience stress.

As a result, workers are threatened by the so-called premature aging. In addition telomere shortening is also associated with the onset of Parkinson's disease, type 2 diabetes, heart disease and cancer. In short, the work continued to stress can make you old before his time is faster.

"I think these results should be used when considering the health hazards and mmebuat laws in the workplace," said Ahola told NBC News. "Chronic job stress can be a health risk and should be prevented," he said.

He recognizes that both individual and environmental factors influencing the onset of stress, so that the objective conditions of the workplace can have a greater effect on the incidence or less stressful depending on the number of personal traits.

But Aoife O'Donovan, a researcher at the University of California San Francisco, who studies the relationship between telomeres and stress, say, science can not yet make a definite cause of the effect of telomere length with stress, aging and disease.

Because in addition to the work, stress can also be triggered such as marital problems, poverty, early childhood experiences, gender (men tend to have shorter telomeres) - as well as genetic and health behaviors such as smoking and diet - also appear to affect telomere length.

For example, people who experience childhood trauma tend to be less able to cope with stress later in life and also tend to have shorter telomeres. Finnish researchers took several factors, but it is not possible to filter them out entirely.

However, O'Donovan did not doubt the validity of the relationship between job stress and telomere shortening. "When you get a high enough dose of stress, virtually nothing is tough," he explained.

"People can be resistant to one or two types of stress within a certain period, but after a cumulative, rare to find people tough," he continued. 
Source : Taken from any sources

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