Result if the Body Lacks of Sleep

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Sleep, save energy, not only that but also save lives as well as age. Seriously, many diseases come if lack of sleep. Sleep ideal human body is about 8 hours a day, if the lack of it will cause less normal bodily functions.

Healthy sleep coveted by many, but if you always choose to sleep less than demand, so be prepared to deal with these risks below. Due to lack of sleep:

Junk food cravings
Too little sleep can provoke hormone that regulates appetite, increased desire to eat high-fat, high carbohydrate foods and causes more calories than your body needs. In one study, people who are deprived of sleep in two nights have more hormone ghrelin that affect hunger and less leptin which is the appetite-suppressing hormone.

In time, this can lead to weight gain. In a study from the University of Washington found that people who sleep 7 to 9 hours per night weighed an average of 8.24-nearly 2 points lower on average than those who slept less.

Be a germ magnet
People who sleep less than 7 hours per night have a three times greater likelihood in a cold, according to the JAMA study. Another study found that men who sleep less difficult to maintain normal immune response after receiving a flu shot. The men had only half as disease-fighting antibodies after 10 days of vaccination compared with men who sleep enough. Because it's sleep can increase body immunity.

Less able to process glucose
Each sell your body needs fuel to function perfectly. According to researchers from the University of Chicago, 6 days of sleep deprivation will make people have a chance for resistance to insulin, the hormone that helps transport glucose from the bloodstream to sell. In another study, tests showed that participants who slept less than 6 hours / night and can not process sugar properly. This could lead to type 2 diabetes.

Are in a stress storm that never ends
Research at the University of Chicago also found that fewer blind eye cause the level of cortisol, a stress hormone increase during the afternoon and evening, and causes increased heart rate, blood pressure, and blood glucose. It can increase the risk of hypertension, heart disease and type 2 diabetes. Besides resulting in health problems in the future, cortisol comes in at a bad time is when you need a break to sleep.

Bad mood and brain feels foggy
After passing a restless night, your concentration is reduced and makes certain activities such as driving become dangerous. People who experience fatigue are also less happy fatal. Mood and sleep is governed by the same brain chemicals. This could increase the likelihood of depression, but this case only applies to people who are vulnerable to disease.

Lack of sleep makes you look older
All people prove this, pale skin and dark. Even worse, increased levels of cortisol can slow the production of collagen, which can lead to wrinkles. Because of this, many who call that sleep is also called beauty sleep, hormonal changes will increase blood flow to the skin, which can cause skin bright in the night. In addition, it also makes a variety of cosmetic percolate faster because even when you sleep, your skin is also still working hard. The study also showed that the skin had turnover 8 times faster when you sleep, so getting enough sleep can reduce wrinkles.

Have a higher cancer risk
Exercise helps prevent cancer, but little sleep can lead to a reduction in the effects of this exercise, as summarized in the medical school of health studies at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg. The study involved 6,000 women for about a decade, they found that exercise enthusiasts who sleep less than 7 hours per night have a 50 percent greater chance of developing cancer than those who sleep more. Lack of sleep can cause hormonal and metabolic disturbances associated with cancer risk, it can erase the benefits of exercise. 
Source : Taken from any source

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