10 Myths About Smoking

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Smoking is a classic problem that has long graced human life. Although the average smoker already knows that smoking can cause heart disease, impotence, cancer and others - as they are written on each end of the cigarette ads (although only for a moment), but in fact people are still smoking. Ironically, the impact is not just for those who suck, passive smokers also have to bear this burden. There are many reasons that are used when advised to quit smoking. And the reason has now become a myth that must be broken! Well, here are the myths about smoking:

Myth 1: The smoke I look macho / cool
Exactly, you expect a cigarette factory to think like that. Maybe at first it is, but just wait. Smoking can cause wrinkles and yellow teeth. Smoking also contributes to osteoporosis or bone loss. If it were so, the body is no longer upright. And more importantly, smoking can cause impotence. What's a macho name?

Myth 2: Quitting smoking can make me fat

Add weight loss experienced by many people trying to quit smoking. This happens because the habit of smoking is now replaced with a meal. But with a healthy diet plan diet and increased activity will help us solve this problem. In fact, with the sport, not just a weight problem that can be overcome, but the stamina and lung capacity lost when smoking may also be returned.

Myth 3: Smoking does not hurt anyone other than yourself

Wrong! When the smoke around other people, you've hurt them especially those with asthma, heart disease, allergies or children. Secondhand smoke also have an increased risk as in active smokers.

Myth 4: I'm young, I would quit smoking a few years away

Almost all current smokers started smoking when I was younger. And most of them hope to stop a few years later. But most are still smoking after five years.

Myth 5: Only one cigarette a day really

Smoking is not safe even if only one cigarette a day. Each cigarette contains about 1 to 2 milligrams of nicotine, which reaches your brain 10 seconds after you inhale. Immediately after the first whiff, you'll feel a rush of adrenaline that can increase blood pressure, heart rate and your respiratory rate.

Myth 6: My smoking "light", so it do not matter

Munurut Centers for Disease Control and Prevention United States, cigarettes "light" has the same content with cigarette in general, including lead, ammonia, benzene, DDT, butane gas, carbon monoxide, arsenic, and polonium 210.

Myth 7: Breast cancer is the number one cancer killer in women
Tet tot! The truth is lung cancer. Increased mortality from lung cancer are directly related to the increased rate of smoking. Smoking is also a major risk for heart disease, the number one killer.

Myth 8: Smoking may improve mood

Some people believe smoking can add to the spirit, but it can reduce moody. If you're down or depressed, smoking may put you at higher risk for depression, hyperactivity, and attention deficit disorder. As mentioned in a recent study, teens who smoke have a risk four times more likely to experience depression than teens who do not smoke.

Myth 9: Chewing tobacco is safe because it is not through inhalation

Not only lung cancer that can kill. Those who chew tobacco have an increased risk for cancers of the oral cavity, which can affect the tongue, lips and gums. As in smoking, the sooner you stop a greater chance to escape from these diseases.

Myth 10: I've been smoking for years, there's no point in stopping now

When you smoke, you cut a few years of your life. A 35-year-old man, for example, will live five years longer just by quitting smoking, according to the National Institute of Drug Abuse in America. This also applies to women. You can not turn back time, but if you quit smoking for 10 years or older, your risk of cancer will be much lower and the risk of heart disease you can be almost the same as those who never smoked.

According to the American Cancer Society, 20 minutes after you quit smoking, blood pressure and pulse rate will return to a normal person. So, although you have been smoking most of your life, Pardue says that it's never too late to quit smoking. If not for you, do it for the people closest I loved you. "The way we live our lives has an impact indirectly on our children and grandchildren, and therefore we should give a good example for them," said Pardue.
Source : Taken from any source

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