Seven Interesting Facts About Butterfly

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Alvienova | Seven Interesting Facts About Butterfly | Unique and interesting facts about the butterfly look at seven interesting facts about these butterfly.

1. Feet as a sense of taste
If the human sensory organs of taste lies in the tongue and most of the animals is also located on the tongue. But not this one for insects, butterflies taste food through his legs. At the time of the butterflies feed by sucking nectar / honey, which signals can be eaten or not the legs. Butterflies can taste the leaves with her feet when alighting on the foliage. Butterfly check whether the leaf was delicious enough to eat caterpillars (the children) soon after hatching or not.

2. Metamorphosis
As we already know, the butterfly is an insect that had holometabola metamorphosis. Where is the beginning of Silkworm Eggs → → → Butterfly Pupa.

3. Has an eye 12 000
Sob might be surprised, what is true of butterflies have eyes 12 000? Yes, it's true. The butterfly has a 12 000. The eyes of butterflies called Compound eye, the eye is shaped like a swollen parts of the ball at the top of the head.

4. Beautiful wings
The butterfly is a winged insect or insect scales are included in the order Lepidoptera. Butterfly wings are actually transparent beautiful, but because of differences in brightness in each layer of thin wings, butterfly wings become visible colored colorful.

5. Mouth
Butterflies have a proboscis mouth, the mouth is used for a long suck the nectar / honey. Some butterflies have not been eating because they have no mouths. The butterflies survive only with the energy collected when a cocoon.

6. The body temperature
Butterflies can not fly if their body temperature below 30 degrees Celsius.
The butterflies can migrate thousands of miles to seek a warm area (tropical) when winter came back again and traveled thousands of miles when spring arrives.

7. Size
After hatching from the egg to become a butterfly, the caterpillar of the body is increased to 27 000 times. Size of butterfly ranges from one-eighth inches to 12 inches.
Source : Taken from any sources

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