The Origin of Drink Tea

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Origins Drink Tea - The Chinese have been drinking tea for 5,000 years. The origin of tea in the beginning is still the legend. The most famous legend is the story of Emperor Shen Nung (pronounced "Shay-Nung '). The discovery of tea to him has not been placed properly in its history, namely in the year 2737 BC.

For thousands of years, Chinese people drink tea for health and enjoyment. No one knows what causes they are interested in green and glossy leaves of Camellia sinensis, but popular legend can give us knowledge.

One day, when Emperor Shen Nung was boiling water will take some leaves from a tree that hung in the wind and fell on the pan of boiling water. The Emperor wants to know and decided to sample the cooking water that does not resemble the drink. Emperor found it delicious cooking water and refresh the body.

Connecting India legend of the discovery of tea with the monk Bodhidharma. The monks are very tired after ending his hermitage for 7 years. In desperation he chewed a few leaves that grow near it, which spontaneously regenerated again.

India is currently the world's largest producer of tea, but there is no historical record of tea in India before the nineteenth century. Experiments of Bodhidharma tea chewing never disseminated to the public at the time.

Another of the Japanese mythology of the ascetic monk, Bodhidharma, explaining how he threw a heavy eyelids to the ground in frustration are not able to stay awake. Tea tree grows in which he threw away his eyelids. The leaves of this tree grows a new one magically heal .

Tea is not native to Japan, the mythology does not provide an explanation for the sudden existence in Japan. The reality is less diverse: in the early nineteenth century, a monk from Japan who came home from wanderings, called Dengyo Daishi brought tea seeds from China.

The method of making tea with an open pan that was introduced by Emperor Shen Nung was evident after such a long time running. It takes 4,000 years before the method of making tea that we know today developed.

In the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), the Chinese began to make tea with boiling water. With a little adaptation, where the traditional wine pouring from the Chinese who use the cover to be a perfect pot of tea.
Definition of "Tea"

'Tea' in the world with all its variations in spelling and pronunciation come from a single source. 'Te', meaning 'tea' in the Amoy dialect of China. China national language of the tea said, 'cha', also produced some other words in the world of derivatives.

Tea into Europe in the early seventeenth century. Compared to the excess tea in terms of treatment, the Europeans prefer the aroma of coffee. Only a minority among some of the nobility, who popularized the tea.
The inclusion of tea to Europe

In the early seventeenth century, merchants from the Dutch and the Portuguese first introduced tea to Europe. Portuguese merchants sent a ship from the port of China, Macao, while the Dutch merchants brought from Indonesia to Europe.

The new beverage that comes along with a cargo of silks and spices are not experiencing success in a flash. Europeans tasting tea, but they prefer the smell of coffee. While the British merchants to wait until 1652 before finally beginning to trade in tea.

The Russians are a fan of early tea. Tea they consumed came overland from China by train pulled by a camel. As a fan of tea in Russia rose, tea ranks of camels that carry more elongated.

At the end of the eighteenth century, several thousand camel-drawn carts, approximately 200-300 trains at one time crossed the Chinese border. Cross-Siberia railway to replace the camel-drawn cart, but it leaves the romantic journey of the popular memory of the gentle blend of black China tea known as Russian Caravan.
Through the advancement of the Kingdom of Tea

In the seventeenth century in Europe, none of which helped the sales of tea in addition to the customer of the royal family.

A special tea ceremony in 1662, when King Charles II of England married Catherine of Braganza, a Portuguese national and a princess tea enthusiasts. Catherine started the tradition of drinking tea in the palace, using a transparent bowl and teapot made in China - and soon other members of the court to follow the way.

At that time the price of tea considered expensive, but now it has become common. Instant tea became fashionable and exclusive. According to the standpoint of the nobles, it is something interesting.

In the 17th century, in Europe, tea is a practical product that has great usability. Most water is not drinkable. For those who want to avoid the disease, the choice was not encouraging: a cup of boiling water, or beer that is strong enough to kill bacteria.

In the UK and some countries, where the beer is a common drink for breakfast, tea became a welcome another alternative. At the end of tea into the hot thirst quenching and refreshing, full of flavor, and is safe to drink.

In the 18 th century, in a wealthy family, drinking tea is a great event in celebration. High-value leaf tea that is often stored in a lockable storage box, where there is only one key.

Once or twice a week, the hostess will unlock it and serve tea to treat the family, or to give the impression of the special guests.

Tea is served with china has good quality, which indicates the level of wealth, other than to add a sense of celebration. It is also an opportunity for women to show off their skin is pale and delicate bone structure than Chinese porcelain. Two attributes is a measure of the purity of a woman at that time.

Social life in the early mid-18th century to move from habits such as coffee shops were replaced by tea gardens. The tea garden to be like heaven: trees on the roadside, lanterns illuminate the trail, music, dance, fireworks, and good food accompanied with a delicious cup of tea.

Tea gardens are not only fun, but also a place for social gatherings. In this exotic place, the royal family and ordinary people can walk together.

Consumption of tea increased dramatically during the early 19 th century. Mode and price reductions are difficult to build a market filled with goods suppliers. To break the monopoly of China's tea trade turned to India to fill the gap.
The entry of "Tea" to India

As tea consumption increased at the beginning of the 19th century, the East India Company to find new sources of supply. Since the Chinese monopoly on tea plantation, the solution is to plant tea everywhere.

The first experiment with tea seeds from China managed in Assam, northeast India. But the experiment was not successful, although the same seeds grew well in Darjeeling, India to the north.

Then in 1820, the botanists found a local plant that has not been identified. They send leaf samples to London for analysis. Examples of these leaf immediately recognizable as a tea - plants that did not at first known in India - and Indian tea industry was born.
Source : Taken from any sources

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