Carbohydrates Child Growth

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For your body and brain develop optimally, they need to combine different types of nutrients in the level and amount of precision, according to the age of the child.

The growth of a child is not separated from the intake of nutrients. To that end, the parents especially the mothers should pay attention to a balanced diet in children so that a proper nutritional intake and precision. According to experts from the Food Technology and Nutrition Department of Food Science and Technology, Bogor Agricultural Institute (IPB), Prof Dr Ir Made Astawan MS, one of the most needed nutrients in the age of the child's growth is a carbohydrate.

Carbohydrates themselves are divided into several types based on complexity. There are simple carbohydrates and simple carbohydrates complex. Carbohidrat very quickly converted to energy, such as various types of sugars such as glucose, fructose, sucrose, and complex carbohydrates lactose . Meanwhile slowly converted into energy, such as starch and fiber foods, such as tubers, fruits, grains, and sago.

In this age of growth, namely the age of zero to five years, requiring a relatively simple carbohydrate intake in order to more quickly absorbed into energy. "Energy is needed for the growth stages of physical and brain development of children so that children can move well," he said in a discussion Nutritalk by PT Sari Husada titled "Right to Know and the Precision Nutrition for Growth" at the Flower Goela Restaurant, Jakarta.

Carbohydrates, he added, also serves to ensure that the protein may act as agents and builders to ensure the optimization of brain child. The growth brain functions differently in each child, depending on nutritional intake, genetic factors, and the stimulation provided, especially in the gold, the age 0 up to three years. The best source of carbohydrates for the baby, said Made, vary by age.

Infants aged 0 to 12 months, the best source of carbohydrate is lactose in breast milk (ASI). In children aged one to two years, the best source of carbohydrate lactose in milk formula on growth, glucose is added to foods, and starches 
tergelatinisasi the instant porridge and biscuits. For children aged three to five years, the best source of carbohydrates found in milk formula growth, glucose is added to foods and complex carbohydrates from rice, noodles, potatoes, corn, bananas, cassava, and others.

Glucose from carbohydrate foods consumed by children during the growth of a "food" is needed for a child's brain in order to develop optimally. "In working, the brain can only use glucose as an energy source, while the energy reserve is a little . Therefore, the availability of glucose from diverse sources must be kept constant so that the brain works well," said Made.

Glucose, he said, can be obtained from natural ingredients such as sugar cane that contain sucrose. Sucrose in the body will be broken down into glucose and fructose. In addition, there are also isomaltulosa that compounds similar to sucrose. Isomaltulosa and the disaccharide sucrose as a carbohydrate type are both broken down into glucose and fructose in the digestive system. Isomaltulosa naturally in very small quantities can be found in honey.

But for the production of large quantities, such as industrial interests, isomaltulosa created through a process that uses enzymes that are often considered to resemble the process of making an artificial sweetener. "To be able to gain the maximum benefit, the amount of intake isomaltulosa be maximum, ie 20 grams of 100 gram serving, for example in milk," said Made. That has not been realized, Made bright, brain development is supported by many types of nutrients.

That is, none of the nutrients that can be said to be the most important. In addition to glucose as an energy source for the brain, it is also necessary essential fatty acids (DHA, AA), choline, and zinc, which when combined in precise amounts that would have an equally important role in maximizing the development and brain function. Course to various types of nutrients on to work optimally, it needs a healthy digestive system. A healthy digestive tract will utilize nutrients properly in order to be optimal child development.
Source : Taken from any sources

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