Meaning of Graffiti

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Stuck in a meeting, is undergoing a test, or well being in the classroom with a boring lesson, you'll most likely start doodling when his whim. You know, the results of these doodles reveals much about the personality and mood?

"We tend to doodle when bored, and this is done without full awareness," said Ruth Rostron, handwriting analysis expert and vice chairman of the British Institute of Graphologists, as quoted by the Daily Mail.

Some images are often struck over and over again like flowers, stars, boxes, arrows, or even a person's face. According to Rostron, how graffiti is portrayed is important to know the true meaning.

"People always want the emotional harmony and affection tend to describe the form of rounded and curved lines. People are friendly and always practical to use straight lines and boxes. Influential people used to describe angles, zigzag, and triangles, while those who hesitate to use light and thick lines, "he said.

He also added that people who used to describe in great shape, including those who believe in themselves, while people who describe in a small form, including those who prefer to observe rather than participate.

Here are some pictures form and meaning.

1. Face
Facial expressions that depicted a good indication of the mood or character of the person who has been described. Good picture, pretty face shows that you see the good in others. If you sketch a face that strange or ugly, you are probably someone who is not easy to trust people.

The face of the comic shows a desire to be center of attention. Picture the faces of children shows a need. Facial image itself shows that you are someone who is introverted.

2. Chessboard
Pictures of black boxes and white shows that you are someone who is patient and diligent. Perhaps you are in a difficult situation.

The images also include a favorite picture of people who are prone to mood swings.

3. Interest
The circular flower petals around the center of interest describing the people who always puts family matters. If you describe your relationship with pointy petals relationship that you may hide the warmth of your attitude to be careful.

If you describe a group of bright flowers, you are among those who like to socialize. Flower petals down signifies you're feeling overwhelmed sense of worry.

4. Butterfly
If you describe the animals that can fly like a butterfly, birds, bees means you do not want to be bound or are facing difficult tasks.

5. Liver
Obviously, if you describe the heart, you're intoxicated by romance.

6. Complicated patterns
Create images that are difficult and very detail often associated with obsessive people who will not let go of their ambitions or love them. This type of image is also a favorite picture of a very private person.

7. Ladder
Ladder is a symbol of ambition and desire to work your way up the 'stairs' in life. Picture steps also are indicating that you have important long-term task. The images represent a spiritual quest or desire to be happier.

8. Anchors
Anchors tend to be associated with someone who is important and has a specific purpose in mind, aware of the goals on target.

If the arrow on the sharp and angular anchor, your target might be something important, perhaps a rival or a very important task. If the anchor is more  decorated by the accents, your target may be related to the problem of romance or passion.

9. Ships and aircraft
Draw all types of transportation shows that you want
escape from a situation.

10. Home
This image shows the need for security . Picture shows the neat houses of life a safe and comfortable home, while the image is a mess, especially the picture of a house without windows, showing an unhappy life in your home.

A house is depicted on the hill shows you often
feel isolated and lonely.

11. Spider web
This image symbolizes a trapped feeling or a desire to attract the attention of a person into a relationship or situation.

12. Name or initials
Describes a name or initials is a very common thing for those who really enjoy being the center of attention. Teens who often describe their name indicates a desire to break away from their families and begin to live an independent life.

However, if you describe someone else's name indicates that person is on your mind. Maybe someone you love or just people who take the matter in your life.

13. Star
Stars are often described by people who are ambitious. Many small stars indicate the nature of optimism. If you describe a great star, thick, and shiny, you have a purpose in your step.

A neat picture of the star showed a good mental focus, while the stars show asymmetric energetic person.

14. Square
If you are describing a square means you are someone who wants to control the situation and you think to solve your problems.

If you draw a square that will form a cube, you tend to be highly efficient, analytic that can handle difficult situations.

15. Zigzag
If you describe zigzag flowing, soft, and composed of many curved lines, you are a romantic. If the pattern you describe is composed of many straight lines are sharp, then you are being aggressive and masculine.

Zigzag image shows an energetic mind and a desire to get something.

16. Stick
Generally described by people who are successful, a simple stick person controlled reveal their emotions and are very focused on their life goals.
Source: Taken from any sources

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