Nonstick skillet Can Trigger Heart Disease

Alvienova | Nonstick skillet Can Trigger Heart Disease | Mother should be careful to choose household products. A new study suggests that chemicals used in the manufacture of household products, such as soaps, paints, nonstick cookware, and it increases the risk of heart disease.

Some of these products may contain chemical perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA). In fact, if it enters the blood, the chemicals can lead to heart disease. In a new study in the U.S. revealed that men with higher levels of perfluorooctanoic acid in the blood is high has doubled the likelihood of a history of heart disease, heart attack and stroke compared to adults with the lowest PFOA levels.

Previous studies have linked exposure to the chemical perfluorooctanoic acid with unhealthy cholesterol levels and other risk factors for disease jantung. But the potential health hazards posed by chemicals remain unknown. Highest levels of PFOA levels were also associated with increased high risk of peripheral artery disease, a condition associated with heart disease the arteries in the legs become narrow and harden.

Still, the researchers said the results should be interpreted with caution. That's because the study looked at the relationship between PFOA and heart disease at one point in the past time. This is not indicate that PFOA exposure or even precede causes heart disease. The researchers linked the various factors in health and demographics, such as race, education, obesity, smoking, and cholesterol.

However, they emphasize that unknown factors other than PFOA may explain some of the other possibilities. "What we found was that high perfluorooctanoicyang acid levels and cardiovascular diseases coexist for some reason," said author Anoop Shankar MD, PhD, an epidemiologist at the University of West Virginia in Morgantown Public Health, USA.

The study, published in early September in the Archives of Internal Medicine, are based on data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. The U.S. government health survey is conducted every year. Chief of Cardiovascular Medicine at the Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center at El Paso Debabrata Mukherjee said, though more research is needed, as these people can be cautious and minimize exposure to PFOA.

"For example, people who had been drinking water that may be contaminated by nearby factories that use PFOA began to think to use bottled water or filtered water," said Mukherjee.Dia adds, avoid nonstick cookware and other consumer products that may be containing PFOA is another way for individuals to limit exposure.

According to the Environmental Protection Agency, trace amounts of PFOA found in the product customer . Generally the remnants of the manufacturing process and does not appear to pose a threat to human health. Exposure to PFOA has been linked as well, such as vascular dysfunction, high cholesterol, "bad" (LDL) cholesterol is low "good" (HDL), and insulin resistance, all of which are risk factors for cardiovascular disease.

Eugene Storozynsky MD PhD, a cardiologist and internist at the University of Rochester Medical Center in Rochester, New York, said it is important to remember that obesity, smoking, and high blood pressure is a classic risk factors are responsible for the majority of heart attacks.
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The First Hard Disk in the World

Alvienova | The First Hard Disk in the World | How big is the size of the hard drive that is inside komputerkamu whether the hard drive for the first time this has created a large enough size.

the first hard disk

The picture below is the first hard drive that was launched in September 1956 with the IBM 305 RAMAC title.

September 4, 1956 IBM introduced the world's first hard disk. Hard disk size of two refrigerators worth $ 250,000 now, with the ability of 5 MB, or just enough to keep the songs in MP3 format. Compare that with today's hard drives have a 0.6 cm wide with a capacity of 400 GB. Heavy hard drive is more than 1 ton.

IBM 305 RAMAC (Random Access Method of Accounting and Control) 1956
A. Capacity: 4.8 MB
2. rotational speed: 1,200 rpm
3. Rent: $ 3,200 per month (1957)
4. Business users first: Chrysler's Mopar Division (1957)
5. The number of units that have been produced: More than 1000 units by the year 1961
Source : Taken from any source
ReadmoreThe First Hard Disk in the World

July 27, 1953: Korean War Ends

korean war
Korean war
Alvienova | July 27, 1953: Korean War Ends | Korean War, from June 25, 1950 until July 27, 1953, is a conflict between North Korea and South Korea. The war was also called "war-mandated" (English proxy war) between the United States and its UN allies and the communist People's Republic of China and the Soviet Union (also members of the UN). The main war participants are North Korea and South Korea. South Korea's main ally, including the United States, Canada, Australia, and the United Kingdom, although many other nations sent troops under the UN flag.

North Korea's allies, such as the People's Republic of China, providing military forces, while the Soviet Union that provides advisory and pilot war planes, and weapons, to force China and North Korea. In the United States this conflict termed the police action under the UN flag rather than a war, because to eliminate the need congress declares war.

The war ended on July 27, 1953 when the United States, China, and North Korea signed an armistice agreement. South Korean president, Syngman Rhee, refused to sign it but promised to respect the ceasefire agreement. But officially, the war is not over until today
Source : Taken from any sources
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July 29, 1947: ENIAC Computer Operated Electronic Started

eniac computer
ENIAC Computer
Alvienova | July 29, 1947: ENIAC Computer Operated Electronic Started | ENIAC, short for Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer, was the first fully electronic computer designed to be Turing-complete, which can be reprogrammed by rearranging the cord in order to solve any kind of calculation problems.

He was preceded by the work of Konrad Zuse's Z3, which can be programmed with the tapes in full, but still mechanical and the Colossus computer that despite the British-made entirely electronically, but not for general purposes. The need to rearrange cables ENIAC was abolished in 1948.

ENIAC was developed and built by the U.S. Army Armament Research Laboratory for their table in order to calculate the gunfire. Thought and ideas about ENIAC was designed by J. Presper Eckert and John William Mauchly of the University of Pennsylvania. The computer was built on May 17, 1943 as Project PX and built at the Moore School of Electrical Engineering since mid-1944, and officially operated since February 1946 after swallowing a cost of $ 500,000. He then turned off on 9 November 1946 for a renewed and improved memory. ENIAC was shown to the public on February 14, 1946 at the University of Pennsylvania and moved to Aberdeen Proving Grounds, Maryland in 1947. On July 29 the same year, ENIAC was turned on and will continue to operate until 23:45 pm on October 2, 1955.

A team of eight women programmed the ENIAC by manipulating thousands of cables and switch.

ENIAC get extensive coverage because of their large size. He has 17 468 vacuum tubes, 7,200 crystal diodes, 1,500 transmitters, 70,000 resistors, capacitors 10.0000 and about 5 million hand-soldered connections. It weighs 27 tons and measure 2.4 mx 0.9 mx 30 m. ENIAC took an area of ​​about 167 m² and the energy consumption of 160 kW.

But ENIAC was not actually a sophisticated computer era. Unlike artificial Konrad Zuse's Z3, and artificial MARK Howard Aiken, ENIAC cord should be reset to run the new program (Z3 and Marki run the program from the tape). Furthermore, unlike the Z3 and other modern computers, ENIAC perform calculations in decimal rather than binary.
Source : Taken from any sources
ReadmoreJuly 29, 1947: ENIAC Computer Operated Electronic Started

Automatic Teller Machine in Bali, Made from Bamboo

Alvienova | Automatic Teller Machine in Bali, Made from Bamboo | TM machines are usually made ​​using concrete and have a cooler in it so that it is comfortable for user of ATM (Automatic Teller Machine) . An ATM (Automatic Teller Machine) is arguably unique retreat for ATM is built only by using bamboo
A shroff of  Indonesia International Bank ( Bank Internasional Indonesia ) has an idea to create an environmentally friendly ATM machine.
ATM made from Bamboo
ATM made from Bamboo
part of atm made from bamboo
Part of ATM made from bamboo
Due to the environmentally friendly ATM (Automatic Teller Machine) bamboo and is made from recycled aluminum, while the foundation used a large rock that was nailed to the ATM (Automatic Teller Machine ) machine for safety.

ATM made from bamboo
While the source of energy supplied by solar panels 4 towering above the ATM (Automatic Teller Machine).
Source : Taken from any sources
ReadmoreAutomatic Teller Machine in Bali, Made from Bamboo